A password-protected directory is a folder that cannot be accessed unless the right login details are provided. This could be an entire Internet site or simply one page that's located in a subfolder. If you try to open this type of a directory, you'll see a browser pop-up in which you have to enter a username and also a password. If you enter the appropriate ones, you will be able to continue surfing around the content with no need to do anything more. When the login credentials are not accurate, however, you'll see a message that you are not allowed to view the content. If this function is active, you will not be able to open a file even if you have a direct link. The option is incredibly practical if you need to restrict the access to some content or if you are creating an Internet site and you don't want visitors to be able to access it prior to it being ready.
Password Protected Directories in Shared Website Hosting
With the password protection tool supplied with every shared website hosting package deal that we provide, you shall be able to shield any content which you have inside your account with merely a few mouse clicks. Due to the fact that the tool is a component of our ground breaking Hepsia Control Panel, it features exactly the same simple interface and you will not need any special skills to use it. When you go to the Password Protection section, you will need to select one of the domains or subdomains that you have in the account and then decide if the protection should be active for the main folder or for a subfolder. Then type the username and the password that you want and you shall be ready. A little padlock symbol in the File Manager section will tell you that a particular folder is password-protected. In the same way you shall be able to include multiple usernames and passwords for the same folder if you'd like several people to have their own login credentials.
Password Protected Directories in Semi-dedicated Servers
Protecting any folder with a password shall be easy if you host your websites inside a semi-dedicated server account with us. A user-friendly tool, that is incorporated into the Hepsia Control Panel, will allow you to pick the exact folder you would like to protect with a couple of clicks and all you will need to type shall be the username and the password that will be used to access it subsequently. You won't encounter any problems even if you haven't had a website hosting account before, due to the fact that you don't need any previous knowledge or programming skills to activate the feature. If you repeat the same basic steps, you will be able to create various usernames for the very same password-protected area, so numerous individuals shall be able to access a given folder with their own login credentials. You shall be able to see the protected folders easily either in precisely the same section of the Control Panel or in the File Manager section where you will recognize them by their compact padlock icons.